Taxonomy Codes are administrative codes set for health care providers to classify the type of provider and area of specialization. Each taxonomy code is a unique alphanumeric code of ten characters that allows providers to define their specialty at the claim level.
A taxonomy code represents the type, classification, and area of specialization of the Provider or Organization. There are two sections to the taxonomy code set: Individuals & Individual Groups and Non-Individuals.
These codes are retained by the NUCC and chosen by providers to signify their area of specialty. According to ABC, some payers now request the taxonomy code of a provider to define the specialty designation/s of the provider during an enrollment process.
As they move towards greater use of electronic data exchange continues, taxonomy codes have begun to be linked within the enrollment or re-enrollment of a provider, including the process through the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System to acquire a National Provider Identifier (NPI) (NPPES).
Why Are They Important?
Taxonomy codes enable the provider at the claim level to define their specialization so that the payout from insurance providers may be directly affected.
If you have an incorrect taxonomy code associated with your NPI number, your services can be charged at a lower reimbursement rate or rejected instantly by an insurance provider.

What is the taxonomy code for primary care physicians?
Primary Care Taxonomy Code is 363LP2300X.
How do I find my taxonomy code?
Finding your taxonomy code is easy. Here’s how:
- Visit
- Enter your NPI Number into the field, then click Search.
How many Taxonomy codes can a provider have?
A provider may have more than one code for taxonomy. Registering all available taxonomy codes with NPPES and using the correct taxonomy code to represent the relevant specialty when filing claims is essential. This would help to manage claims more precisely and promptly.
Why do I need to know my taxonomy code(s)?
Taxonomy codes serve as a secondary identifier to ensure that a provider is correctly identified in HIPAA regular transactions.